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Major Announcement

"The men and women of the Baldwin County Honor Guard are proud to announce that we are officially certified to perform military funerals for our fellow veterans! As the Commander of this elite organization I want to publicly announce this major accomplishment and tell the team -WELL DONE!!" Commander Judy Whidbee

Brief Description of the

Authorized Provider Partnership Program (AP3)

The Department of Defense developed a program whereby local units (be they active, guard or reserve) work with and train their local veteran honor guard members and other appropriate volunteers. In many cases, the veteran service organizations may have been performing funeral honors as long as or longer than the military unit. The purpose of the training is to ensure a professional, well-coordinated and dignified rendering of honors.

For an individual or group to be recognized as an authorized provider under the program, they must receive training and be recognized by the individual service who has requested their support. Recognition as an authorized provider is service specific.

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